ST1 - Sport Diving

Lesson Objectives

This lesson outlines the Sports Diving Course, which includes understanding the varied diving conditions likely to be encountered, learning additional rescue skills and use of additional equipment to support diving in different conditions and dives including decompression stops. The course will add to students' greater awareness of conditions to assist with planning and diving to support extending their depth range to 35m upon completion of the Sports Diver qualification

Achievement Targets

At the end of this module students should:

  • Understand the contents of the Sports Diver Course
  • Understand that with skills and experience gained from, or since becoming Ocean divers, that the Sports Diver course develops theory and practical skills to support diving in differing conditions and where extended depths could well be experienced subsequent to qualification
  • Understand that different factors affect diving conditions
  • Understand that to support a more varied range of diving additional equipment will be needed and will be discussed in later classroom sessions of this course
  • Understand that rescue skills will need to be developed and practised as they are becoming more experienced divers
  • Understand that all diving at whatever level requires self-risk assessment to understand personal limitations and considerations to be able to continue enjoyable and safe diving

ST2 - Diver Rescue

Lesson Objectives

Students already know the initial elements of diver rescue, CBL, AAS ascent and towing. This session builds on that knowledge so that together with the practical element of this lesson and following sheltered water lessons, they will be able to perform a complete rescue sequence.

Achievement Targets

At the end of this lesson students should:

  • Understand that anticipation, planning and awareness by divers can prevent problems before they happen, be prepared to give assistance if problems should arise and to effect a rescue if necessary.
  • Understand that effective rescues rely on training, experience and practise
  • Understand different types of rescue
  • Understand the priorities of Basic Life Support
  • Understand how to practically administer Rescue Breaths and Chest Compressions
  • Understand that practical rescue skills learned in this lesson will be transposed to sheltered water lessons

Equipment Required

The following items are mandatory for the practical part of this lesson:

  • One resuscitation manikin between two students and manikin wipes. (Manikins should be checked prior to this lesson to ensure they are in clean working order and should also be thoroughly cleaned at the completion of this lesson)

ST3 - Equipment and Techniques

Lesson Objectives

The main objective of the lesson is to acquaint students with equipment they will use when extending their range of diving and to discuss techniques, appropriate use and precautions. Practical in-water teaching of SMBs, DSMBs, distance line and compass use supports this theory lesson

Achievement Targets

At the end of this lesson students should:

  • Understand use and different types of shot lines
  • Understand that surface marker buoys are two distinct types, SMB and DSMB.
  • Understand the principles of SMBs and DSMBs, their use and when it is appropriate
  • Understand the precautions that need to be taken with both SMBs and DSMBs
  • Understand what additional surface marker aids are available for divers
  • Understand the principles of distance lines, their use and precautions that need to be taken
  • Understand the safety requirements when using lines underwater
  • Understand the principles of the diving compass, its use and precautions that need to be taken
  • Understand the principles of diving torches and their use
  • Understand that whatever equipment is being used it needs to be in good working order and washed and checked following every dive

Equipment Required

The following items will be needed:

  • Examples of: SMB, DSMB, Distance line, compass and torch. Other surface location aid equipment if available

ST4 - Deeper Diving

Lesson Objectives

This lesson develops previous knowledge gained from the Ocean Diver Course and covers how nitrogen affects divers from two aspects, nitrogen narcosis and decompression, and considerations when undertaking deeper diving. This lesson includes decompression stop dive planning, using the BSAC tables and computers. An understanding of the working knowledge of tables will assist in understanding how computers, using their algorithms, can also be used for planning and tracking decompression requirements

Achievement Targets

At the end of this lesson students will:

  • Understand that managing the effects of nitrogen covers two areas: nitrogen narcosis and decompression
  • Understand that an increase in ambient pressure increases the partial pressures of the gases breathed and effects on the body
  • Understand the effects, signs and symptoms of nitrogen narcosis and how they increase with depth
  • Review nitrogen and decompression and why decompression stops may be required
  • Understand how to plan decompression stop dives using the BSAC tables
  • Understand how to use computers and how, in being able to constantly update nitrogen tracking on a dive, they can give up to the minute information regarding decompression stop requirements but dive planning is still required
  • Understand that in broadening diving experience and travelling to different sites or countries, there is a need to plan diving by using the altitude/atmospheric pressure chart and Transfer tables
  • Understand effects of travelling on computers
  • Consider safety margins for using either tables or computers when diving

Equipment Required

The following items will be needed:

  • Copies of the BSAC 88 Tables and BSAC Nitrox Tables to allow students to work with the Instructor on decompression stop dive planning exercises and use of the Atmospheric/Pressure Chart and Transfer Table. A dive computer to demonstrate read out display information

ST5 - Breathing Gas Planning and Systems

Lesson Objectives

Sport Divers will be extending their diving horizons and are beginning to update or expand their equipment. For the type of diving they want to do or progress towards, this lesson looks at breathing gas planning for deeper or more adventurous diving together with appropriate equipment configurations.

Achievement Targets

At the end of this lesson students will:

  • Understand that in considering deeper or more challenging diving, possibly including decompression stops, that breathing gas planning and systems will be important
  • Understand how to ensure they carry sufficient breathing gas to undertake a planned dive by being able to determine suitable cylinder size including the reserve supply
  • Understand that a back up, alternate breathing gas supply is a must and that its capacity must be sufficient for the type of dive being undertaken
  • Understand the different configurations of kit that are available and their appropriateness for types of diving being planned
  • Understand that equipment, which is their life line, needs maintenance to ensure it is in good working order
  • Understand that updating or expanding their equipment needs careful consideration so that it is appropriate for their current or intended future diving
  • Understand that adding or updating equipment needs to be considered as part of their overall equipment system, as must its weight and implications on buoyancy
  • Understand that any new equipment should be practiced with in shallow water before being taken on a real dive
  • Understand that practise is extremely important, not only with new kit, but to ensure all skills are kept 'in practise' so they are not ignored - they should not be used for the first time when an emergency arises

Equipment Required

The following items will be needed:

  • It is appreciated that all cylinder configurations may not be available but a single cylinder with octopus (generally used as training kit) and a single cylinder with pony AAS as a minimum should be shown, to demonstrate the difference between the two and that the latter demonstrates an independent back up breathing gas supply.

ST6 - Going Diving

Lesson Objectives

The main objective of the lesson is to promote the understanding that, following qualification as a Sports Diver, the gaining of experience is important in broadening diving knowledge. At this level of diver, not only can they learn from other divers but also they will be gaining more dive leading experience. In broadening their diving experience, students may become involved with divers using Nitrox or Rebreathers, so part of the lesson is a basic introduction to both and their associated buddy considerations. Also, once qualified, Sports Divers become part of the surface support team and they can assist the Dive Manager. To round off the Sports Diver Theory lessons, consideration is given as to what happens next. For students, promoting going diving and gaining experience is re-iterated as well as continued training and, if they are so interested, beginning instructor training through the BSAC

Achievement Targets

At the end of this lesson students will:

  • Understand that to broaden diving knowledge and experience they need to go diving
  • Understand that doing so will encompass a wider range of conditions and dive buddies
  • Understand the role of dive leading and planning considerations appropriate to Sports Diver level
  • Understand that, whether diving or leading dives, personal limitations should always be considered
  • Understand the concepts of Rebreather diving and associated buddy considerations
  • Understand that, in extending their rescue skills they will become part of the surface support team when diving takes place
  • Understand that they can assist the Dive Manager
  • Have gained appreciation of further training opportunities open to them with the BSAC as a diver and, if they so wish, as an instructor

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