OS1 - Being Underwater
- SEEDS brief
Fit and use mask, fins and snorkel – in standing depth
- Enter into shallow water, without equipment
- Demist mask
- Fit mask
- Secure snorkel
- Breathe through snorkel, face submerged, static
- Flood/clear snorkel by exhaling, static
- Fit fins
- Practise finning on back
- Practise finning on front
- Flood/clear snorkel, face submerged, while finning
- Remove fins
- If needed, exit water
Fit and use scuba – in standing depth
- Fit weight belt
- Fit scuba equipment
- Quick but thorough buddy check
- Refit mask
- If needed, enter into shallow water, wearing scuba kit
- Breathe from demand valve, standing depth
- Use hand signals
- Fit fins, standing depth
Buoyancy control – in standing depth
- Demonstrate BC controls, on the surface
- Swim on back with BC inflated, on the surface
- Swim on front with BC inflated, on the surface
- Monitor instruments
- Descend and adjust for neutral buoyancy, kneeling
- Adjust buoyancy lying flat
- Hover clear of bottom
- Check trim
- Swim at constant depth, develop finning action
Swimming underwater – in deeper water
- Buoyancy adjustment with changing depth
- Use hand signals
- Practise swimming underwater
Remove scuba – in standing depth
- Remove fins
- Remove weight belt
- Remove scuba kit
- Exit water
- Equipment care
- REAP debrief
OS2 - Basic Skills
- SEEDS brief
- Kit assembly
Kit up and buddy check, dry run and entry
- Fit weight belt
- Fit scuba equipment
- Buddy check
- Dry run, demand valve clear by exhaling
- Dry run, demand valve clear with purge button
- Fit mask and regulator
- Entry
- Fit fins, standing depth
Surface and underwater swimming, buoyancy control
- Swim on back with BC inflated, on the surface
- Swim on front with BC inflated, on the surface
- Buoyancy check, standing depth
- Swim underwater to deeper water
- Consolidate underwater use of BC controls, deeper water
- Mini ascent/descent, deeper water
- Ascend to surface, deeper water
- Descend to bottom, deeper water
- Swim underwater to standing depth
Mask and demand-valve clearing – in standing depth
- Breathing without mask, nose submerged
- Mask clearing, face partially submerged (no strap fitted)
- Mask clearing, face submerged (no strap fitted)
- Mask clearing, standing depth (no strap fitted)
- Partial-flood mask clearing, standing depth (strap fitted)
- Progressive-flood mask clearing, standing depth (strap fitted)
- Full-flood mask clearing, standing depth (strap fitted)
- Demand valve clearing by exhaling
- Demand valve clearing with purge button
- Switch to own AS demand valve
- Demand-valve retrieval
- Demand-valve retrieval and switch
- Full demand-valve retrieval and clear
Use of alternative supply – in standing depth
- Underwater use of ‘out of gas’ signal
- Use of AS, student as donor
- Use of AS, student as recipient
Exit and de-kit
- Remove fins
- Exit water
- De-kit
- Equipment care
- REAP debrief
OS3 - Developing Skills
- SEEDS brief
Kit up and buddy check, dry run and entry
- Assemble scuba equipment
- Carry out functionality checks
- Kit up and buddy check
- Dry run, action for BC inflator stuck open
- Stride entry, into deeper water
Buoyancy control and descent/ascent procedures
- Demand valve and snorkel exchanges while surface swimming
- Controlled descent into deeper water
- Efficient underwater swimming (changing depth)
- BC inflator stuck open
- Mid-water hover
- Controlled ascent and surfacing procedure
Mask clearing – in deeper water
- Partial-flood mask clearing, standing depth
- Full-flood mask clearing, standing depth
- Remove and replace mask, standing depth
- Breathing from a free-flowing regulator, standing depth
- Recap mask clearing, in deeper water
- Partial-flood mask clearing, deeper water
- Full-flood mask clearing, deeper water
- Remove and replace mask, in deeper water
Alternative-supply ascents – in deeper water
- Static AS use, student as donor then recipient
- AS ascent, student as recipient then donor
- Surface actions, following AS ascent
Exit from deeper water and de-kit
- Remove fins
- Exit water
- De-kit
- Equipment care
- REAP debrief
OS4 - Beyond the basics
- SEEDS brief
Kit up and buddy check, backward-roll entry
- Assemble scuba equipment
- Carry out functionality checks
- Kit up and buddy check
- Backward-roll entry, into deeper water
Master basic skills
- Controlled descent into deeper water
- Adjust for neutral buoyancy
- Buddy-diving techniques and monitor instruments
- Efficient underwater swimming (changing depth)
- Remove and replace mask, in deeper water
- Remove and replace mask, place it down
- Finning without mask
Extend mobility skills
- Surface snorkel swim in scuba kit
- Controlled descent into deeper water
- Frog kick
- Forward rolls in deeper water
- Ascent in buddy pairs from deeper water
De-kit, in water, exit suitable for small boat
- Swim to ‘boat’
- Remove weights in water
- Remove scuba in water
- Enter boat
- Equipment care
- REAP debrief
OS5 - Safety Skills
- SEEDS brief
Kit-up and buddy check, dry run, forward-roll entry
- Assemble scuba equipment
- Carry out functionality checks
- Kit up and buddy check
- Dry run, controlled buoyant lift
- Forward-roll entry, into deeper water
Master alternative-supply skills
- Surface actions, following AS ascent
- AS ascent, student as recipient then donor, with surface actions
- Use of AS on horizontal swim
Controlled buoyant lift
- Self lift
- Mini CBL
- Full CBL
Surface towing
- Identify towing hold
- Tow
- Alternative holds
Rescue with controlled buoyant lift
- Surface actions
- Initial underwater contact
- Rescue CBL
- Rescue CBL and surface tow
Exit from deeper water and de-kit
- Remove fins
- Exit water
- De-kit
- Equipment care
- REAP debrief
Get In Touch With Us
By Email: info@lsac.co.uk
By Phone: 07365 207708
When And Where We Meet:
Wednesdays from 19:00
At The Olde Royal Oak, Bitteswell
How to Find Us
Diving and Dive Trips
29th March - 1st April 2024
19th to 21st April
Capernwray - Rescue Skills Refresher
24th May to 27th May 2024
Farne Islands
14th to 17th June 2024
West Bay
6th - 9th September 2024
St Abbs
Several days most weeks
Stoney Cove
Events and Socials
10th February 2024
Annual Dinner
The Olde Royal Oak, Bitteswell
6th March 2024
Curry Night
Sunargow Broughton Astley
26th June 2024
Go Karting
Sutton Circuit
10th July 2024
Curry Night
Sunargow Broughton Astley
4th August 2024
Rutland Outdoor Swim
Rutland Waters
10th August 2024
Treasure Hunt
25th September 2024
AGM and Skittles Evening
The Red Admiral, Broughton Astley
23rd October 2024
Tenpin Bowling
13th November 2024
25th January 2025
Annual Dinner
Olde Royal Oak, Bitteswell